welcome to hogtown!
we’re so glad you’ve found us.
Whether you want to be a player, an official, or a volunteer, we have a ‘roll’ for you! Your first step to becoming a Hogtown member is to attend one of our Derby 101 info sessions. Our info sessions are an opportunity for you to try on skates, meet our current members, and find out more about our 10-week training program.
We offer Derby 101 sessions on Saturdays in the fall & winter. Our next program will start Saturday January 18th 2025
Junior Derby 101: Saturdays 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Adult Derby 101: Saturdays 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Registration: Register Here!
If you want to kick-start your derby career by joining us as a non-skating official or a volunteer for the 2024 Season, please email info@hogtownrollerderby.com for more information.
why should you join hogtown?
Hogtown Junior Roller Derby is dedicated to bringing the exciting sport of roller derby to youth ages 9 to 17. We provide opportunities for skaters of all skill levels to learn and play in a fun, safe and supportive environment.
Since roller derby is considered an extreme youth sport, HJRD prioritizes safety, with mandated protective equipment and high training standards for coaches and volunteers. We aim to empower our skaters by bringing together kids from diverse communities while developing their self-confidence, leadership, healthy decision-making, athleticism and overall fitness.
junior PROGRAM
Every week the participant will learn new skills like: skating, cross overs, how to fall properly, transitions, jumping, stopping, working together in a pack and so much more.
Skaters who have completed the 101 Training program become part of the Jaw Breaker team and are cleared by our coaching staff to move to Level 1. In Level 1, skaters continue to refine their basic skating skills and practice non-contact roller derby.
In level 2, players move their skills to the next phase, positional blocking with gentle contact. Players work on their skills during practices and start learning Roller Derby game strategies.
In level 3 the players are allowed to make full contact. With safety first the players push their skills to the max. Once the player reaches age 18 they move into the adult league.
Hogtown Roller Derby aims to foster a fun and empowering environment for all bodies to participate in sport. Our Derby 101 program teaches roller derby style skating and is appropriate for skaters of any experience level including those who have never put on skates before. Our coaches understand that learning new skills as an adult takes extra time, and adult athletes often have additional barriers to participation. We will be with you every step of the way and are committed to seeing you in your first game, even if it may take a little longer.
Whatever your level of commitment or skating skills, there is a home for you in Hogtown.
Our Derby 101 program teaches participants new skills every week, and our coaches support all skaters through each lesson. We teach you all the skills you’ll need to have a safe, fun and successful first season. Below you’ll find just some of the skills you’ll learn through our 101 program.
WEEK 1 - Falling & Stopping
WEEK 2 - Skating & Footwork
WEEK 3 - Jumping & Weaving
WEEK 4 - Backwards Skating & Transitions
WEEK 5 - Leaning & Bumping
WEEK 6 - Pushes, Whips & Pack Skating
WEEK 7 - Rules
WEEK 8 - Contact
WEEK 9 - Review
WEEK 10 - AssessmentsSkaters who have prior skating experience but who have never played Roller Derby are still required to participate in Derby 101 prior to joining a team. You will be learning how to adjust your skating for roller derby, and more specific skills like contact and rules.
Skaters who have completed Derby 101 join the rest of our members at league practices. Players will be continually assessed by the Hogtown coaching staff for their ability to safely participate in contact drills and scrimmage. Members will continue working on the basics and begin learning the game more thoroughly.
Once a player has been assessed as safe to scrimmage by Hogtown coaching staff, they become members of our recreational team, the Derby Debu-Taunts. Members will participate at games at home in Toronto and may travel to areas within the GTA to compete.
Players wishing to play at a competitive level join our development program. Development skaters have access to additional one-on-one coaching sessions and are provided with opportunities to act as track leaders while participating with the Debu-Taunts.
Players drafted to our charter team represent Hogtown Roller Derby on the WFTDA Rankings System. Members of the Charter Team wish to participate in high-level competitive play and will participate in games at home in Toronto as well as travel for games in the GTA, out-of-province, and even outside of Canada
Getting involved with Hogtown Roller Derby has easily been one of the best decisions I’ve made. I was uneasy about coming in with no experience, but everyone has been incredibly encouraging and supportive since day one. The community I’ve found here keeps me coming back because every week I feel a formidable sense of belonging and acceptance; regardless of whatever is going on in my life, I always leave practice feeling better than I did coming in.
- Anon Derby 101 Grad (Fall 2023)
Ever since I joined derby I've grown more confident as a person, and learned how to make mistakes and get right back up. It's a sport that I've really connected with, and I've gotten a chance to go out in my community and meet new people who have been the most wonderful friends and teammates I could ever ask for. I'm so grateful that I've gotten the opportunity to find a sport I truly love, improve my skills on skates, as well as my confidence with meeting new people
- Chain Chomp Charlie #667
Hogtown Jr Jawbreakers
Derby 101 was amazing. Having something active to do for myself was a great feeling, and learning new skills felt productive. Because most of us were brand new to it, it took away a lot of the embarrassment of “messing up”… and if you fall you’re just practicing skills! In addition, when contact was introduced it was gradual, and we were supported, and ended up being one of the least daunting things to try. The amount of skate time on offer means you’re pretty much guaranteed to see progress (which is really satisfying), and I’ve met a great group of people and built a community beyond skating I didn’t even know I needed.
- Catastrophe Scatastrophe #9
Derby Debu-Taunts